Fate 11 - M.R.S. Montessori, pt.3
Separated and desperate, the Hunters pushes themselves to their limits to rid the M.R.S. Montessori school of the evil within. But there are more lives at stake than their own, and one wrong move can lead to devastating consequences.
(Content Warnings: children in danger, harm to children, bodily harm, blood, death)
Separated and desperate, the Hunters pushes themselves to their limits to rid the M.R.S. Montessori school of the evil within. But there are more lives at stake than their own, and one wrong move can lead to devastating consequences. Keely pushes past her limits. Henrietta learns an uncomfortable truth. Jamie makes a life-altering choice. Maggie gets a blast from the past.
Keeper - Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/Him)
Keeley, The Expert (She/Her) - William White (@kwilliamwhite, They/Them)
Henrietta, The Monstrous (She/Her) - Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse, They/Them)
Maggie, The Spellslinger (She/Her) - Sam Darr (@mossyauthor, She/They)
Jamie Jesigo (He/him) - Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse, They/Them)
Joyce Oschana (She/her) - A grandmotherly white woman with vaguely brown curly hair on it's way out, and a set of round glasses with thin frames that exaggerate a set of sharp, knowing eyes.
Jamie Jesigo (He/him) - Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse, They/Them)
Joyce Oschana (She/her) - A grandmotherly white woman with vaguely brown curly hair on it's way out, and a set of round glasses with thin frames that exaggerate a set of sharp, knowing eyes.
Marty Owens (He/Him) - Monster-hunter, and Martin’s mentor. Older white guy who’s definitely gone grey, could be someone’s grandparent. Died during the events of the Dirge.
Martin Graves (He/him) - Monster-hunting Chosen One who has already fulfilled his prophecy. A white guy in his early 20s. Looks kinda like Elijah Wood, with short mussed brown hair. One of his feet was badly burned, leading him to walk with a cane. Disappeared during the events at the Hades.
Jordan Jr "Jojo" Jesigo (He/they) - Henrietta's youngest child. Adopted child of Henrietta and The Sailor. Currently residing at the M.R.S. Montessori. Possible Myriad.
Meghan Lusk (She/Her) - Small white girl with big, thick coke-bottle glasses and stringy grey hair. Meghan has a pair of large feathery grey wings on her back. They spread out when she gets excited.
Amaruq Angutitok (He/him) - Adlet, a Myriad with the upper-half of a human, and the lower-half of a wolf. Inuit kid from Alaska. Wears bellbottom pants.
Isaac Shurrock (He/him) - Vampire kid. Irish. Often asleep during the day…
Chelsea "Shells" Rotifer (She/her) - Dryad. Small shy black girl. She's quiet and reserved, and quite literally fades into the backdrops when she's nervous by becoming one with the wooden beams of the building.
Luca Haal (Both He/him) - Doppelgangers. A pair of twins, one of whom is human and one of whom is a perfect doppelganger, so it's impossible to tell them apart. They're very young, 5 or so, with completely white flat hair, white skin, and piercing blue eyes. Neither are very communicative with other kids or adults, but they're constantly whispering in each other's ears and giggling.
Michita Riley (She/Her) - Rokurokubi. Japanese-American girl from Southern California, who can stretch her neck to absurd lengths or let her head fly off. Afraid of the dark.
Ahmed Holmgeirsson (He/him) - Giant. Middle-Eastern/Scandinavian Kid who's worried about being different from his classmates.
Tamara Meegard (She/Her) - Cyclops. Greek girl with olive skin.
M.R.S. AKA Myriad Relocation Services - A mysterious non-governmental organization tasked with investigating supernatural occurrences and relocating monsters/cryptids who are risk of human discovery or interference. They have field agents scattered throughout the United States and, presumably, the world including Xilin.
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Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop RPG podcast produced in association with Queuetimes (@_queuetimes). Our first season was played using “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions.
Season one of Pest Control - “Fate” - follows a group of found-family monster Hunters as they set off on a journey across the United States, dealing with the creatures they encounter and drawing ever nearer to the end of the road…