Fate 06 - Silky & The Solutions, pt.1
An unexpected sighting leads Pest Control to the comeback show of a famous musical group. But as the lights dim and the crowd goes quiet, will they be forced to face the music?
(Content Warnings: Bodily harm, non-sexual assault, bugs, blood, alcohol, underage drinking, body horror)
An unexpected sighting leads Pest Control to the comeback show of a famous musical group. But as the lights dim and the crowd goes quiet, will they be forced to face the music? Keely joins a protest. Henrietta buys a beer. Maggie creates a disturbance.
Keeper - Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/Him)
An unexpected sighting leads Pest Control to the comeback show of a famous musical group. But as the lights dim and the crowd goes quiet, will they be forced to face the music? Keely joins a protest. Henrietta buys a beer. Maggie creates a disturbance.
Keeper - Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/Him)
Keeley, The Expert (She/Her) - William White (@kwilliamwhite, They/Them)
Henrietta, The Monstrous (She/Her) - Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse, They/Them)
Maggie, The Spellslinger (She/Her) - Sam Darr (@mossyauthor, She/They)
Herbert "Silky" Clemens (He/him) - Lead singer of "Silky & The Solutions", best known for their 2005 album "The Dreamscape". Famously assaulted a fan after a concert. Now back at the Hades for one last concert...
Henry Sweezle (He/him) - A guest from the Dirge, somehow involved in the events there. White man in his 30s or 40s with a whining voice and a rat-like face. On his way to VaccuCon, but not above making a stop to admire the scenery...
Sussana Waldorf (She/Her) - Here to protest the concert. White woman in her 20s with dark brown hair and a graphic tee.
Deadra Johnson (She/Her) - Bartender at the Hades.
Xilin (He/him) - An enigmatic figure who works for M.R.S. When presenting as a human, looks like a tall, lanky, handsome Chinese man with short black hair and gold-painted nails. Dressed very hip. When not in human form, looks like a brilliant, reflective golden-colored giraffe with scales, cloven hooves, and antlers. Has a flirtatious relationship with Keeley that might be one-sided.
M.R.S. AKA Myriad Relocation Services - A mysterious non-governmental organization tasked with investigating supernatural occurrences and relocating monsters/cryptids who are risk of human discovery or interference. They have field agents scattered throughout the United States and, presumably, the world including Xilin.
Herbert "Silky" Clemens (He/him) - Lead singer of "Silky & The Solutions", best known for their 2005 album "The Dreamscape". Famously assaulted a fan after a concert. Now back at the Hades for one last concert...
Henry Sweezle (He/him) - A guest from the Dirge, somehow involved in the events there. White man in his 30s or 40s with a whining voice and a rat-like face. On his way to VaccuCon, but not above making a stop to admire the scenery...
Sussana Waldorf (She/Her) - Here to protest the concert. White woman in her 20s with dark brown hair and a graphic tee.
Deadra Johnson (She/Her) - Bartender at the Hades.
Xilin (He/him) - An enigmatic figure who works for M.R.S. When presenting as a human, looks like a tall, lanky, handsome Chinese man with short black hair and gold-painted nails. Dressed very hip. When not in human form, looks like a brilliant, reflective golden-colored giraffe with scales, cloven hooves, and antlers. Has a flirtatious relationship with Keeley that might be one-sided.
M.R.S. AKA Myriad Relocation Services - A mysterious non-governmental organization tasked with investigating supernatural occurrences and relocating monsters/cryptids who are risk of human discovery or interference. They have field agents scattered throughout the United States and, presumably, the world including Xilin.
Follow us on Twitter @pestcontrolpod
Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop RPG podcast produced in association with Queuetimes (@_queuetimes). Our first season was played using “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions.
Season one of Pest Control - “Fate” - follows a group of found-family monster Hunters as they set off on a journey across the United States, dealing with the creatures they encounter and drawing ever nearer to the end of the road…
Check out Wojciech Golczewski's music: https://wojciechgolczewski.bandcamp.com/
Check out Wojciech Golczewski's music: https://wojciechgolczewski.bandcamp.com/